The West Yorkshire town of Huddersfield is situated at the convergence of the rivers Colne and Holme. Inhabitants of these river valleys discovered that the water – which flows from the Millstone Grit Pennine hills – gave excellent results for the washing of raw wool.
And so the wool textile industry was born. The industry was traditionally cottage based, with spinning and weaving often taking place in the same dwelling. Many of the workers operated from smallholdings, supplementing their income with the manufacturing of wool textiles. The finished cloth they produced was then sold through merchants who regularly attended the town’s Cloth Hall.
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When having a suit or actually whatever garment tailored, the cloth – fabric – material will have a great effect on many parts
So proper preparation literally protects from ‘piss-poor’ performance, assuming that you want the garment to add value to your appearance. But where to start if you never picked a cloth from a swatch book called a bunch?
Then first look, or ask us, what cloth has those properties? It could be for example Cashmere. Okay, that is 1 step. So step 2 is to have a look and feel at such a cloth. For our Amsterdam based clients it is most convenient to just visit us or make an appointment. No obligations if you need further advice/guidance.
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Although pure white traditionally been the color of choice for a basic dress shirt, medium blue actually flatters more men’s faces than white
Pure white can drain away what little natural color men exude. Television producers will advise male guests to don a blue dress shirt to compensate for the studio’s strong lighting, which tends to flatten and weaken the complexion.
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