The construction & make of your jackets: Full Canvas, Half Canvas, Unlined and more

The construction of a tailored suit is the hidden foundation that determines how your suit looks, how comfortable it feels, and how long it lasts. While the exterior – the fabric and the design – often receives the most attention, the true value of a tailored suit lies in its construction.

In this article, you’ll discover the differences between Full Canvas, Half Canvas, Unlined, and Fused constructions. We’ll delve deeper into the techniques, advantages, and limitations of each method, and how they shape the quality of your suit.

We’ll also guide you through the craftsmanship behind setting the canvas – the heart of a high-quality suit.

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What are Unlined and Unstructured Jackets?

In short you could say that Unlined or Unstructured jackets are the most natural fitting and draping jackets

Before we go into the benefits of an unstructured jacket, we need to do a short history lesson first. After WW2 the majority of men would wear a suit because they had to. Alongside that we have seen men who aspired to create their own success and businesses which led to different play fields with new dress codes and possibilities to express yourself with your personal style. Actually we could see them as the contemporary Dandy.

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